The Best Advertising Deal In 2019
Working with small businesses, I am often tasked to identify advertising vehicles that will take their dollars the furthest. The best bang for your buck. So far, I have been blown away by the business results and incredibly low CPC (Cost Per Click) of Instagram Story ads.
If you aren’t sure what Instagram stories are, quickly Google them and hop back over to this article. Also, if you own a business you should have an account on every major social platform. You don’t even have to use it, you just need to have a better grasp of what’s going on, so that you can talk to outside agencies or internal marketers with a deeper understanding.
We ran a 34 second commercial that we shot in my living room, on Instagram story ads. We allocated $25 to a preliminary test and we used a swipe up that took the user directly to our shop page. We were selling coffee so our audience was very broad.
For $25 we received:
- 6500 People Reached ($0.004/Person Reached)
- 58 Unique Link Clicks ($0.43/Click)
If you’ve been thinking about doing more digital marketing in 2019, this is a great place to start. Test pieces of creative against small budgets until you find one that works. If you’re a small business you need to be spending on these ads, they are too cheap for you to not be using them. Cancel that newspaper ad now!
If you are looking for help with your digital advertising in 2019, check us out at