Silence The Little Fucker
I’ve been trying to make writing a daily habit of mine for sometime now. It always falls flat — I workout everyday — I work on my business everyday — I sleep, eat and shit everyday. Everything else is pretty negotiable in my life. This really pisses me off because even if no one reads the shit I’m writing I really enjoy the act of doing it; something about putting my thoughts down in some barely understandable convoluted mess is enjoyable to me.
So I’ve decided to change my perspective on it. I’m just going to fucking do it. You see, we as humans (me included) are really fucking good at making excuses for ourselves. We just fucking love it. I don’t have the time — I deserve to eat this cheesecake — all my friends are going on vacation — I’m big boned — my parents made me like this — I don’t have the money. The list is literally fucking endless; here’s the thing all of your excuses are probably valid. Yes, your fucked up justifications and hastily thought up excuses as to why you aren’t where you WANT to be are valid.
The problem lies in this idea that the little fucker in our head is powerful. The little fuckface that tells you to cheat on the diet — to skip the gym — to take a couple weeks off to go to fucking Muskoka — you think this asshole actually has power over you. I’m here to tell you that the fucker is powerless. You ALWAYS have the power to tell that voice in your head to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Give yourself permission to tell that piece of shit OFF. I’ll finish with a list of examples:
Little fucker: “I don’t have time to hit the gym”
You: “I’m going to have a six pack by Christmas so I’m going to the fucking gym”
Little fucker: “I’m too tired to do that work”
You: “You always think you’re tired so fuck it we’ll do it anyways”
Little fucker: “Let’s just take a week off and go to the cottage even though I have no money and no idea what I’m doing with my life”
You: “Motherfucker we can go do whatever the fuck we want when we (INSERT GOAL HERE) and (INSERT GOAL HERE)”