4 Hard Truths About Starting A Business In Your 20s
When I was 19 I started a coffee company. It was an absolute shit show — I didn’t make a dime for myself in the business until I was 23 (I supported myself with random side hustles — more on those later). I’d say that running a business has been the most rewarding and simultaneously the most frustrating thing I’ve ever done. I’d do it all again BUT I’m kind of fucking crazy so I’m writing to you to give you the hard truths. This way you can decide for yourself if this life is for you.
I remember bringing restaurants and cafes packets of our coffee trying to get them to give us a shot as their coffee supplier. They told us all (politely) to fuck off. I was told to fuck off regularly. I woke up and was prepared to be told to fuck off. Do you want that? Please understand you will be rejected. If you get nervous approaching your crush at the bar — this may not be for you. Now, good news — YOU CAN LEARN. You may be a bad motherfucker prepared to put in the work. The first rejection you cry in your car — the second you only tear up a bit — by rejection number ten your asking for feedback and refining your pitch.
I’m not saying it will — but unfortunately it can. Your significant other will never understand what your up to. They will try — they will claim to get it BUT they will never completely get it. You’ll be burning the candle at both ends and it may be hard for you to manage a relationship with a significant other. Communication is key and I’m by no means dooming your relationship, I’m simply suggesting you accept the possibility that you may be forced into a decision between your business or your bae.
Trust me I wanted to be sun bathing in the soft top and popping champagne in bath tubs 6 months in to building a coffee empire. It didn’t happen. Like I said in the intro — it took me almost 5 years before I took a pay cheque. In the mean time I sold jewelry, traded stocks, coded websites, and sold marketing packages on the side. This paid for my expensive lifestyle ($2 beers at the club). I’m not saying that money shouldn’t be a goal — no one works their ass off to be broke — I’m saying be prepared for money to come later, it will take time.
Starting a business does not make you cool. I know you dream of that blue verified check and the #CEO in your bio. Getting to that point is a lot of fucking work. What’s cool is doing something you’re really excited about. It’s cool to be super passionate about whatever you’re doing. If you have a job that you’re excited to go to everyday than FUCK starting a business. Starting a business is not for everyone and that’s OKAY. Fuck that bullshit “If you’re not building your dream you’re building someone else’s” — your dream doesn’t have entrepreneurship.